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Sunday, March 19, 2017

He Cares for YOU.

If you ever think God doesn't care about little things in your life that are important to you, let me tell you that HE DOES. I've needed some new Jean skirts for a while now, and black dress shoes for church. Now I have a very specific type of dress shoe that I like & you don't find them just anywhere. Jean skirts in my size aren't so easy to come by either. Not to mention I can't usually afford to pay a lot. So... yesterday we dropped into a thrift store that we rarely go to, in a part of Colorado Springs that we don't go on a regular basis. There on a rack of regular jeans were not one, but two Jean skirts, in my size. The only skirts on the rack, and they were MY SIZE. People, I'm not skinny, and that doesn't just happen. They were $4.99 each. Then as I looked through the shoes, I found a pretty black pair in my size, the EXACT STYLE that I like. They were brand new, real leather soles, and only $5.99. Now you can think what you like, but moments like that remind me that Jesus loves me, He cares for me, & he will provide for me even in the most obscure ways. He's my heavenly "Daddy" and he wants to give good things to his children. All I can do is smile & say thank you Jesus! I know he hears my prayers. If he cares about something so simple as a pair of shoes, I know he cares about all of the bigger needs in my life. So know this: Jesus also loves YOU, and he cares about EVERYTHING in your life. Just talk to Him & give all your cares to Jesus. As his word says "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."